Music Bear Arts Centre I 音樂熊藝術中心
+852 23221629
關於 LCM Examinations
由世界知名培訓音樂及表演藝術人才的學術機構--英國倫敦音樂學院舉辦的國際公開考試日漸受香港家長歡迎,除了因為由該學院頒授的證書認受性高,這一系列考試的實用性更為吸引:考試內容覆蓋範圍廣闊,包括各種樂器、英語口語(Spoken English)、英語溝通能力(Communication)及戲劇(Drama),為學生提供全方位的訓練及評估,各類考試設完善的等級分層,按照從學前幼兒到成人的程度及需要作出評核。
Public examinations offered by the London College of Music, an internationally renowned institution nurturing talents in music and performing arts, are increasingly popular in Hong Kong. Not only are these exams internationally recognised, their comprehensiveness in training students’ abilities is beyond doubt. Exam subjects ranging from various kinds of musical instruments, spoken English, communication and drama, the LCM exams offer students an opportunity to develop their musicality, communication and performance skills.
本中心現開辦以下LCM Examinations課程:
The following courses for the
LCM exams are now available:
幼兒課程 (Early Learners) (個別/小組)
本課程旨在為3至6歲兒童準備LCM Early Learning Exams,透過輕鬆愉快的課堂活動,包括唱遊、故事聽講、遊戲及基本樂器訓練等,提升學生多方面的能力:英語溝通能力、形體動作的表達、音樂感及音樂表達能力等,從而建立學生的自信心。LCM Early Learning Exams共分為三個階段,每個階段的考試準備時間約為半年。LCM Early Learning Exams可銜接各類樂器課程及考試,或LCM Spoken English Steps and Grades課程。
2. 英語口語 (Spoken English) 課程 (個別/小組)
本課程旨在為學生準備LCM Spoken English Exams,透過日常生活的題材,訓練學生的英語會話及表達能力,並增強學生的自信。課堂活動包括故事聽講、角色扮演、散文朗讀、詩歌朗誦及模擬演講等。此課程亦為學生提供大量閱讀材料及機會,藉此增強學生的閱讀能力。Spoken English Exams包括三大階段:Early Learning適合3至5歲幼兒報考;Steps適合6至8歲學童報考;Grades (1-8) 適合9歲以上學生報考。
幼兒課程 (個別/小組)
準備LCM Early Learning Exams
LCM Early Learning Exams共分為三個階段,每個階段的考試準備時間約為半年
可銜接各類樂器課程及考試,或LCM Spoken English Steps and Grades課程
2. 英語口語 (Spoken English) 課程 (個別/小組)
準備LCM Spoken English Exams
Spoken English Exams等級及適合對象:
Course for Early Learners (Individual / Group)
Preparing children aged from 3 to 6 for the LCM Early Learning Exams, this course is designed to develop their basic English communication skills and boost their confidence level and performance abilities through conversations, miming and musical performances. Through interactive class activities such as storytelling, singing and dancing and instrument playing, children learn to be good communicators and performers. The LCM Early Learning Exams consists of three stages, and it takes approximately six months to prepare for each stage of the exams. Upon completion, students will be able to continue their exam paths in musical instruments or the LCM Spoken English Steps and Grades exams.
2. Spoken English Courses (Individual / Group)
Utilising materials from their daily lives, students are prepared for the LCM Spoken English Exams, which emphasise students’ ability to talk about personal experiences confidently. Interactive class activities including storytelling, role-playing activities, discussions, prose reading and poem reading are some of the effective ways to enhance students’ command of spoken English during our courses. Extensive reading in the courses will boost students’ reading ability as well. The Spoken English Exams are composed of three main phases: Early Learning (for children aged 3 to 5); Steps (for children aged 6 to 8); and Grades (for students aged 9 or above).
Courses for Early Learners (Individual / Group)
Target: Children aged 3 to 6
In preparation for LCM Early Learning Exams
Class activities include: singing and dancing, storytelling, miming, musical instrument playing
Preparation time for each of the three phases of the LCM Early Learning Exams: approximately 6 months
Upon completion, students will be ready for all kinds of instrumental courses and exams, LCM Spoken English Steps and Grades Exams.
2. Spoken English Courses (Individual / Group)
Target: Children aged 3 years or above
In preparation for LCM Spoken English Exams
Class activities include: storytelling, role-playing activities, prose reading, poem reading, presentations
Enhance reading ability through extensive reading
The Spoken English Exams consists of: